The Climate Observations and Model Data Analysis and Synthesis Toolkit (COMDAST) is a collection of custom C programs written and devleloped by Jitendra Kumar and Bjorn Brooks for climatologists and modelers to upscale or downscale meteorological variables including shortwave and longwave radiation, precipitation, temperature, wind and more. COMDAST was initially created to do site-level temporal downscaling, but we also include in our repository R code, shell scripts, and example data for doing a regional space & time downscaling. COMDAST was created to be easy-to-use on any LINUX system and does not require programming expertise. Note however, that this is 'research code' and that to use COMDAST you should be familiar with working from the command line in a LINUX environment.
The Climate Observations and Model Data Analysis and Synthesis Toolkit (COMDAST)
MeshMaker: Configurable Meshing Framework for Eco-Hydrology Models
MeshMaker is a Python-based configurable feshing framework for Eco-Hydrology models.